China is one of the most developed countries. It sets itself two objectives — environmental protection and the development of the national economy. Senior officials consider these tasks to be fundamental. These are the basic state political attitudes that affect the modernization ofthe country.
Over the 18 years during which the country has carried out reforms, and GDP has grown by 10%, the country has managed to achieve significant results in environmental issues. The policy aimed at the development of such areas as the economy, the environment andsociety, as practice has shown, has proved to be quite successful.
What measures are being taken by the Government?
China is a member of the world community, so significant efforts are being made to protect the environment. The country takes an active part in internationalaffairs on this issue, complies with all obligations, which shows that the Chinese government and people are ready to resolutely protect the ecology of the planet.
For the country’s leadership, environmental issues are in the first place. They have repeatedly stressed thatthe curtailment of China is closely linked to the harmonious existence of nature and man. Until a balance and complete harmony between these two components are achieved, there can be no talk of fruitful cooperation, including in other areas.
Earlier, in the 70s , when China’s development went up sharply, economic growth was accompanied by a negative impact on the environment, and, accordingly, negative consequences. The authorities sought to somehow balance the development of two industries – environmental and economic, taking measures to minimize harm.
Since the 80s, environmental protection has been enshrined as the main state policy. However, significant results in the implementation of all developed programs were achieved only by the beginning of the 90s.
Experts in the field of ecology note that investments in this area and work aimed at raising the level of environmental awareness were not in vain and led to significant positive results.

New marine environment programme
Recently, a program called “Blue Sea – 2022” was launched in China. The initiator of its launch was the Country’s Coast Guard, the Ministry of Environmentand Ecology, the Administration of Steppe and Forestry, as well as the Ministry of Informatization and Industry. The task of the initiative is to strengthen the protection of the marine environment and the development / use of natural resources, as well as monitoring the implementation of legislation on these issues.
In the near future, measures will be strengthened to monitor the activities of law enforcementin such areas as:
● dumping of waste at sea;
● extraction/transportation of sand.
The purpose of the program is to suppress any offenses, including illegal sand mining and oil spills. The authorities of the country urge local residents to take an active part, andif there is information about the offense, to report to the hotline of the Coast Guard of China (BCC).
How the world community celebrates the merits of China
The country periodically receives UN awards for its contribution to the field of environmental protection. Here are some of them:
1. In ’20-17, the Saihanba Forest Plantation Community, in northern China, won the Champions of the Earth Award, and they did a great job and made a significant contribution to environmental protection by restoring a lot of degraded land.
2. In 2018, Zhejiang Province launched an environmental protection program aimed at restoring the affected lands and eliminating pollution in the water. She was awarded an award in the “Inspiration and Action” section.
3. In 2019, the Ant Forest app, which runs on the basis of the famous Alipay PS, won an award called “Champions of the Earth” for planting half a million trees in those areas of China that are most affected by drought.
China has made significant progress in the fight against individualpollution, and it receives rewards. Along with the battle for clean air, soil and water, there is also a struggle to eliminate poverty and serious risks.
Every year the air is getting cleaner, thanks to the fact that inmany cities the amount of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere has significantly decreased, and the quality of surface water also continues to improve.
According to THE ESTIMATES OFEI, such attention and positive results in the field of environmental protection have hada positive impact on related industries.
China’s fight against industrial waste
Work to eliminate and prevent the effects of industrial pollution occupies a special place. For more than 20 years, the government has been working on the development and implementationof various projects designed to make the work of enterprises safer, minimize the amount of waste and put into operation new, modern technologies.
In the early 70s, work on the elimination and prevention of environmental pollution by industrialenterprises was concentrated mainly on individual plants and plants. And in the 80s, the strategy was significantly revised and modernized. As a result, the following actions were taken:
● restructuring of an irrationally located industry;
● restructuring of the structure of products and industries as a whole;
● technical reconstruction of enterprises;
● increasing the intensity of control;
● strengthening control over compliance with environmental rules and regulations in individual enterprises.
A little later, the Government introduced a procedure for assessing the impact of new industrial projects, as well as the mandatory installation and commissioning of anti-pollution facilities , thereby significantly reducing the risk of new sourcesof pollution.
The main measures for elimination and prevention:
● introduction of environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly technologies;
● a ban on the production of products and equipment that require high specific monetary and energy costs, as well as technologies that pollute the environment. In particular, these measures affected the light, construction, metallurgical, chemical and electricity industries;
● closure, transformation or relocation of enterprises that are heavilypolluted as a result of the improvement and transformation of districts;
● perpetrators of pollution must eliminate the consequences within a strictly established time;
● as a result of the introduction of an integrated approach, the transformation and design began to affect the entire river basin or region;
● measures have been taken to reduce resource and energy costs;
● measures have been taken to increase the capacity in the field of utilization and processing of solid, gas and liquid waste.
The result of all these actions was a reduction in the amount of emissions that negatively affect the environment, but at the same time the industry is constantly developing and is becoming more efficient every year.